All Mexican food is not created equal so when you find a place that is owned and operated by true Mexican immigrants, there is always hope it will be good. Pueblo Solis is my favorite place in St. Louis and I still like it after returning from a recent vacation to San Diego where the quality is beyond outstanding. The menu offers several classic Mexican seafood dishes utilizing tilapia and salmon as well as mole sauce. The standard offerings of combo platters feature tostadas, tacos, sopes, flauta, enchiladas, and tamales.
Instead of the somewhat soggy offerings of many low end Mexican restaurants, Pueblo Solis offers flautas with a crisp and crunch that almost reminded me of San Diego. The refried beans and rice are typical but good.
Before ordering the main course though, it is worth trying the guacamole, though it will hit you for a $6.95 charge. The free chips and salsa may be a better deal since the salsa is home made. You will get three different types, two red and a green. Depending on the hotness of the jalapenos, you may get a surprise of find all three to be relatively mild. The margarita’s are usually good but if you are there on the regular bartender’s night off, they can be weak and lacking the usual punch. An upgrade to the Grand Marnier margarita will rarely disappoint.
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